Embrace Courses is a full Learning Management System (LMS) which enables your business to develop and deliver its training online, reducing loss of production time and improving the skills of your workforce. You are able to build your own courses, e.g. product update or procedure update information, or choose from a selection from our Course Library.
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Using Embrace Surveys you can create and deliver online surveys. This enables you to gather feedback from your two most important assets, your staff and your customers.

You design the surveys yourself to best fit your business, or if you are not sure where to start we are more than happy to help you achieve the most from your surveys.
More about Surveys>>
Using Embrace assessments you can test the skills and knowledge of your existing staff and potential new recruits. Embrace Assessments ensures the staff you hire have the skills and knowledge you are looking for.

Build your own assessments or use our assessment library. We currently have assessments generic for call centre skills and language proficiency (French, German etc).
More about Assessments>>

ASP Online Software under its Embrace portfolio provides business with a set of tools to improve performance and to reduce costs.

Course curriculum